Professeur titulaire de Psychologie (retraité, UQAM)
Full professor of Psychology (retired, U of Quebec at Montreal)
Measuring attitudes
Opinions about the Gifted and their Education (OGE)
The OGE opinionnaire was created, under my direction, by one of the first students in my research laboratory, Ms. Lorraine Nadeau. It became her MA [sic] dissertation (Nadeau, 1984). The first two publications in the list below helped publicize the OGE in the academic community, and I began receiving requests for its use. That led to the preparation of a document (Gagné, 1991) describing its administration and scoring. In the early 1990s, Jean Bégin, another of my PhD students, did a complex literature review (see Bégin & Gagné, 1994a) of the respondent characteristics associated with differences in measured attitudes. He then used the OGE to ascertain some hypotheses about the relative predictive power of some of these characteristics (Bégin & Gagné, 1994b).These two publications contributed to another increase in the OGE’s international popularity (see partial list of requests for use). At that point, my research interests gravitated to other themes, soon followed by my official retirement from UQAM in 2001, and the closing of my research lab.
In early 2017, my colleague and friend Heidrun Stoeger invited me to give a keynote presentation at the IRATDE conference in Dubai; she insisted that I talk about the OGE, discussing psychometric issues and the more general subject of attitudes toward gifted individuals. Having put aside that subject two decades earlier, I was very hesitant to come back to it. She insisted. Thanks to her determination, I decided to do a full review of the instrument, even reexamining Ms. Nadeau’s dissertation data. The Dubai presentation led to a publication (Gagné, 2018) that presents a critical evaluation of the original OGE, and leads to a proposed revised instrument. Another good friend, Albert Ziegler, facilitated that publication. Any person interested in doing research with the OGE, or the revision proposed in the 2018 article, should read that article first.
Note. Written in French, the Nadeau (1984) dissertation does not appear here. Upon request, I will send an electronic copy.
Gagné, F. (1983). Perception of programs for gifted children: Agreement on principles, but disagreement over modalities. B.C. Journal of Special Education, 7, 113-127.
Gagné, F., & Nadeau, L. (1985). Dimensions of attitudes toward giftedness. In A. H. Roldan (Ed.), Gifted and talented children, youth and adult: Their social perspective and culture (pp. 148-170). Monroe: Trillium Press.
Gagné, F. (1991). Brief presentation of Gagné & Nadeau’s attitude scale: Opinions about the gifted and their education. Unpublished document, UQAM, Author.
Bégin, J., & Gagné, F. (1994a). Predictors of attitudes toward gifted education: A review of the literature and a blueprint for future research. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 17 (2), 161-179. (9)
Bégin, J., & Gagné, F. (1994b). Predictors of a general attitude toward gifted education. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 18 (1), 74-86.
Gagné, F. (2018). Attitudes toward gifted education: Retrospective and prospective update. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 60 (4), 403-428. http://www.psychologie-aktuell.com/index.php?id=204
A time will come, probably before this website disappears, when I will no longer be able to give permission directly, usually by email, to professionals and students who wish to translate, adapt, and use the OGE (or the proposed revision). Consequently, I hereby grant such permission to anyone who wishes to use/adapt/translate the OGE opinionnaire, of course by acknowledging the source of their instrument.