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Recent publication : The DMGT ‘bible’ !

Gagné, F. (2021). Differentiating Giftedness from Talent: The DMGT perspective on talent development. New York: Routledge.


  1. Origins of the DMGT and quick owner’s tour

  2. Competencies and aptitudes 

  3. Prevalence: The ‘how many’ question

  4. About talents and gifts

  5. The nature and nurture of aptitudes

  6. The developmental process

  7. Intrapersonal catalysts

  8. Environmental catalysts

  9. Developmental dynamics: What makes the difference?

  10. The DMGT applied: The story of Nat Nguyen

  11. A self-extolling finale


Where to buy it :

Cover illustration by François Labelle, graphic artist,

colleague and friend. It was inspired by the following quote:

“Talent emerges from complex developmental choreographies
with multiple interactions between all facets of th
e DMGT.”

© 2012-2023 Françoys Gagné

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