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Professeur titulaire de Psychologie (retraité, UQAM)
Full professor of Psychology (retired, U of Quebec at Montreal)
The DMGT : The core of my professional career in talent development
DMGT = Differentiating Model of Giftedness and Talent

Detailed illustration of the DMGT
The DMGT in a nutshell
Talent (T) in a specific field of activity emerges progressively during a long developmental (D) process that has its foundations in remarkable aptitudes (G, the gifts), and benefits from the constant influence of intrapersonal (I), as well as environmental (E) catalysts.
DMGT descriptive documents
6-page introduction to the DMGT (with figure).
You are welcome to distribute this text widely.
Fifty terms defined within the specific context of the DMGT.
Illustration of suggested facets for each of the 25 subcomponents.
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